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Modules Overview | The Owin Framework Pages

Module Elements

Module elements define how Javascript and css assets are deployed on the website you are building. You can choose which module to associate with each region, page, component etc and the assets produced by that element will be deployed according to that module's configuration.

For example you might have some cross-cutting assets that are used on virtually every page on your website and should be deployed site wide whereas other elements might be specific to a small number of pages and can be collected up into one Javascript asset and deployed only to pages that need them. To do this you would define two modules and and choose the appropriate module for each element of your website.

Note that elements inherit the module from their parent element by default so you only need to override this at strategic points. The only exception to this are pages (which have no parent element) and default to deploying assets site wide without using modules.

Modules have an AssetDeployment property that defines how the assets associated with this module are deployed. The general idea is that every page element (region, layout, component etc) is configured to be part of a module and that module's configuration determines how the Javascript and CSS for that page element will be incorporated into the website

The possible values for the AssetDeployment property are:

  • Inherit means that page elements in this module interit the asset deployment mechanism of their containing page element. If all elements are set to Inherit (which is the default) then they all follow the asset deployment mechanism set in the page. Pages default to PerWebsite, so by default all Javascript and all CSS for the entire website will be combined into a single asset.
  • InPage means that page elements in this module write CSS and Javascript directly into the <head> section of the page. This option is mainly useful for debugging and generating html for emails.
  • PerPage means that each page will have a Javascript and CSS asset that is specific to that page and contains everything that that page needs to render. If the same page element is used on multiple pages then its CSS and Javascript will be duplicated in all the page specific assets for the pages where it is referenced. This option means that the page will only reference exactly what it needs, but the broswer will have to fetch the assets associated with every page that the user visits.
  • PerModule means that there will be a Javascript and a CSS asset associated with the module. The Javascript and CSS for a particular page element will only appear in the module specific asset. Module assets will be referenced by any page that contains any of the page elements contained in that module. This option is useful for areas of the website that need a lot if CSS or Javascript but are not frequented by every visitor to the website, for example a shopping cart, or the administration tools for a content management system.
  • PerWebsite means that there is a single Javascript and CSS asset for the entire website. The page elements in this module will write their CSS and Javascript into these global assets which will be referenced by every page on the website. This means that the first page visited will incur the penalty of downloading all of the CSS and Javascript assets, but after that it is cached by the browser and no further assets are required to visit other pages.

Note that you can mix up the asset deployment properties as much as you want, even within a single page.

Modules and Packages

Packages are a way of isolating a chunck of reusable functionallity that can include html, css, Javascript, services and back-end logic. Packages are typically added to a website to add some functionallity to that website.

Modules are a way for the application developer to group elements together by the method used to deploy their assets. Becasue these are very different use cases, it does not make sense to build a package that contains modules, and this is not supported by the framework.

Writing custom modules

Although in theory you could write a custom module that inherits from the built-in Module class or implements the IModule interface, there is very little point in doing so because the module provides no functionallity.