

Authorization Prius

NuGet packageOwin.Framework.Authorization.Prius
GitHub sourceOwinFramework.Authorization.Prius

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The OwinFramework.Authorization.Prius Project

The authorization repository readme file contains documentation on the key concepts around authorization in the Owin Framework. It is strongly recommended that you read it before using this assembly.

This package provides an implementation of the IAuthorizationData interface. To make this implementation available to other packages that need this interface you just need to add the NuGet package to the project - that's it, there is nothing else to do.

This package persists authorization data using the Prius ORM. You will need to create a database and configure Prius within your application for this to work. The source code for this project includes an SQL folder containing the SQL scrips you need to create the database.

Default Configuration

The configuration below is the configuration you will get by default if you do not provide a configuration for this package.

   "owinFramework": {
      "authorization": {
         "data": {
            "priusMasterRepository": "Authorization",
            "priusReadonlyReplicaRepository": "Authorization",
            "defaultGroup": "sys.users",
            "administratorGroup": "sys.admins",
            "anonymousGroup": "",

Configuration notes

  • The priusMasterRepository is the name of a repository configured within Prius. This repository will be used for all queries that modify data.
  • The priusReadonlyReplicaRepository is the name of a repository configured within Prius. This repository will be used for all queries that do not modify data.
  • The defaultGroup is the code name of an authorization group whose permissions should be assigned to any user that is identified but was not specifically assigned to any group. This is typically for public users who have created an account on your website.
  • The administratorGroup is the code name of an authorization group whose users can do anything in the system. All permission checking is bypassed for these users.
  • The anonymousGroup is the code name of an authorization group whose permissions apply to users that were not identified. This is typically users who have not logged into your website.

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